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My Growth and Setbacks 2003-2010


Q&A: Why the shedding on relaxer day?

Reader S.B. asked a great question on my Facebook Page that I thought would be helpful to everyone.

Q: Why do you think your hair sheds so much more when you do your relaxers?

A: It wasn't shedding. It was breakage from the manipulation of making small horizontal parts to apply the relaxer. The relaxer sort of makes the strands stick together, so when I go through and make diagonal parts, it caused breakage.


I hope this clarifies what I meant in my last post about losing hair while relaxing. The relaxer itself didn't cause me to shed. I suspect that's what happened the last time I relaxed also. Lesson learned.


Anonymous said...

what would you suggest self relaxers do to avoid breakage?

Anonymous said...

cuanto quisiera poder entender el inglès.Debo unsar un traductor para entender todo ,pues me resulta muy interesante tu blog.

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