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My Growth and Setbacks 2003-2010


My Hair Today

I did a roller set last night and dried for 1 hour and 5 minutes.  The heat was set to 60 degrees celcius and my ears were on fire! LOL But I wanted to get it dry as soon as possible, so I covered my ears with paper towels and focused through.

After I removed the rollers, I flat ironed my edges and did 6 pin curls.  I didn't have time to take pictures in the morning, so I took pictures when I got home from the office.  This is how my hair looked at the end of the day.


Anonymous said...


Blessed Tresses said...


Kitka said...

Your hair looks great!!! I have been thinking about doing roller sets for now on. Do you use a setting lotion? I have heard of others just using water when roller setting their hair. What do you think?

MsKibibi said...

Thanks! I don't use setting lotion b/c it make my hair feel hard. I use my usual leave-ins and then re-wet with water as needed. I did a video on it if you want to see my exact process.

Anonymous said...

Hi MsKibibi,

Wishing a wonderful festive season! Your hair looks positively amazing and healthy!! I was to ask if you suffer from more shedding during the winter months? and if you do, how do you manage it?

Anonymous said...

Your hair is truly lovely. A tip to avoid burnt ears from a dryer is to use sponge circles (held in place by a hairnet)to cover them. These are sold in Sallys in the UK and I'm sure they must be sold in the US too where Sallys tend to be better stocked

Anonymous said...

How do the curls last if you don't use setting lotion? Would u recomend not using setting lotion for any wet sets. THANKS

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